9 |
3B |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.533 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
5 |
At Bat |
15 |
Runs |
4 |
Hits |
8 |
Doubles |
2 |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
5 |
Slugging % |
.667 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
1 |
On Base % |
.533 |
Stolen Bases |
3 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
3 |
1B |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.273 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
4 |
At Bat |
11 |
Runs |
3 |
Hits |
3 |
Doubles |
1 |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.364 |
Bases on Balls |
1 |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
2 |
On Base % |
.333 |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
14 |
LF |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.375 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
8 |
Runs |
3 |
Hits |
3 |
Doubles |
1 |
Triples |
1 |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
2 |
Slugging % |
.750 |
Bases on Balls |
1 |
Hit by Pitch |
1 |
Strike Outs |
2 |
On Base % |
.500 |
Stolen Bases |
1 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
7 |
SS |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.125 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
8 |
Runs |
1 |
Hits |
1 |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.125 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
1 |
On Base % |
.125 |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
2 |
2B |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.200 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
5 |
Runs |
3 |
Hits |
1 |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
1 |
Slugging % |
.200 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
2 |
Strike Outs |
1 |
On Base % |
.429 |
Stolen Bases |
4 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
5 |
CF |
L/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.333 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
5 |
At Bat |
9 |
Runs |
4 |
Hits |
3 |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
3 |
Slugging % |
.333 |
Bases on Balls |
1 |
Hit by Pitch |
2 |
Strike Outs |
2 |
On Base % |
.462 |
Stolen Bases |
1 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
20 |
DP |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.455 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
5 |
At Bat |
11 |
Runs |
1 |
Hits |
5 |
Doubles |
2 |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
7 |
Slugging % |
.636 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
2 |
On Base % |
.455 |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
10 |
C |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
4 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
6 |
Runs |
1 |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
1 |
Hit by Pitch |
1 |
Strike Outs |
On Base % |
.250 |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
18 |
RF |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
5 |
Games Started |
4 |
At Bat |
5 |
Runs |
2 |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
3 |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
3 |
On Base % |
.375 |
Stolen Bases |
2 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
Starting Pitcher |
17 |
P |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Earned Run Average |
1.148 |
Win |
2 |
Lost |
Games Pitched |
3 |
Games Started |
1 |
Complete Games |
Inning Pitched |
6.1 |
Hits |
5 |
Runs |
1 |
Earned Runs Allowed |
1 |
Bases on Balls |
Strike Outs |
2 |
Batting Average |
.217 |
Wild Pitches |
Illegal Pitches |
Hit by Pitch |
Statistics are not updated during the game
Non-Starters |
4 |
P |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
3 |
Games Started |
1 |
At Bat |
Runs |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
On Base % |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
6 |
IF |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
4 |
Games Started |
2 |
At Bat |
4 |
Runs |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
On Base % |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
8 |
IF |
R/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.286 |
Games Played |
4 |
Games Started |
2 |
At Bat |
7 |
Runs |
Hits |
2 |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.286 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
1 |
On Base % |
.286 |
Stolen Bases |
1 |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
11 |
OF |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.143 |
Games Played |
4 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
7 |
Runs |
1 |
Hits |
1 |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
1 |
Slugging % |
.143 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
1 |
On Base % |
.143 |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
21 |
P |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
3 |
Games Started |
2 |
At Bat |
Runs |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
On Base % |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
26 |
C |
R/R |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
4 |
Games Started |
3 |
At Bat |
5 |
Runs |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
1 |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
2 |
On Base % |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
38 |
P |
L/L |
Tournament Statistics |
Batting Average |
.000 |
Games Played |
3 |
Games Started |
1 |
At Bat |
Runs |
Hits |
Doubles |
Triples |
Home Runs |
Runs Batted In |
Slugging % |
.000 |
Bases on Balls |
Hit by Pitch |
Strike Outs |
On Base % |
Stolen Bases |
Stolen Base attempts |
Statistics are not updated during the game
Team Manager |
Coach |
Statistics are not updated during the game